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Re: [udig-devel] Re: TOC and Page Names

Matthias Basler wrote:

(Sorry for putting all answers in one email, but I don't like writing three
emails just for the sake of answering for three subjects.)
I am the opposite I like separate emails for separate subjects (so other developers don't have to listen to a thread if it does not interest them).

page names the same was being able to have the
en | fr | de links switch between the "same" page in each language.
Right now the EN [Tasks] page has [fr|FR:Tasks] and [de|DE:Tasks]
This is not something I can do with the page names being different.
It was too late when I discovered the sense between the three "locale" buttons.
I first thought they would bring me to each language's home page ... and was
puzzled when they didn't work as expected. But yes, for translators they could
be useful the way you invented them - i.e. to switch to the corresponding page
in the other language.
I would like to do it this way (same page names everywhere), users of online help will never see these names. We already (because of the eclipse help system) need each page to supply its own heading text (if it cares to have a title).

We have several positives (being able to link to alternate translations), and being able to default through to the missing page screen of confluence.
And one negative having to do extra syntax when linking inline.

Since linking inline is generally only done at the concepts, reference and tasks section at the bottom of the document this won't be much of a problem. I am setting up several user macros to aid in this: {concepts}, {tasks} and {reference} this will provide the default image for the "current" language.

Can they maybe get created automatically from the wiki page hierarchy?
I did put a quote request into confluence for this, there sales ref has yet to call me back. They must be busy.

???   What links do you refer to here?
I was trying to provide an example:
If DE:Home is really the page Benutzerhandbuch...

The choice was between: [Benutzerhandbuch] and [Benutzerhandbuch|Home].

One other aspect of having English page names everywhere is that it is easier to
make the help "fill" missing German pages with "English ones" in the Eclipse
help system. (as it works with the current German help there).

I'd like you to decide this finally: Englisch page names everywhere or not?
English page names, and will ensure that english names are not visiable to the user of the help system. It will be visiable to the user of the
wiki.  But the wiki is basically source code so I am okay with that.

Speaking of souce code - here is the link to the TOC files on the wiki:

I have decided to do the use the wiki for this, because we are treating it as source code, and we can detect missing links. The alternative was to use code blocks, it made for nicer indenting but did not offer any additonal benifit.

Is it really necessary to create an extra group? I believe locking would do, if

it is/were possible to comment locked pages.
Actualy locks are by group, so I will create the group at the same time we create locks.

That sounds like being the reason. P.S.: Please notify us when this is supposed
to work again.

The sys admin is working on it (told me he would be done 5 min ago). I need it before I can go home today :-P


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