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[udig-devel] Re: TOC and Page Names

Jody wrote:
> English page names, and will ensure that english names are not visiable
> to the user of the help system. It will be visible to the user of the
> wiki.  But the wiki is basically source code so I am okay with that.

I will change the names today. It'n not too much work. Also I will add a comment
on this naming rule to the wiki in the "How to help?" section.

I do not wholly agree that the wiki is "just source code". From our perspective,
yes. But a visitor on your uDig home page, who wants to read some documentation
will have a different opinion about that.

> I have decided to do the use the wiki for this, because we are treating
> it as source code, and we can detect missing links.
> The alternative was to use code blocks, it made for nicer indenting but
> did not offer any additonal benifit.

It's OK. Indenting can be done this well do, can't it?

> There is another (big, IMO) negative: it forces every translated help
> system to mirror the English one exactly. Also this forces the guides to
> be more maintainable. If you change the name of a page on one guide, you
> have to change it across guides.

Richard, it's not that big a problem. I'll only mirror the English page names
"as far as possible", not to 100%. (Some pages simply do not have an

The second issue you adress already applies to to the content well: If an image
or text paragraph changes in the English master, it also has to get changed
later in the translations as well. With the page names it's just the same.
.. And I am positive that page names will not change daily. ;-)

Maybe it would even be possible to have some refactoring, so that page names are
kept autormatically synchronous over all languages when a page gets renamed in
the English version.

Matthias Basler

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