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Re: [udig-devel] Re: German translation - general problem

Hallo Matthias,

Vielen dank für Ihren Vorschläge. Entschuldigung für meine schlechte Deutsche. :)

You can look at the eclipse language packs, but it sounds like we should
grab just the subset we need. The language pack is a big download of
fragments for every language, for the entire Eclipse IDE. Perhaps we can
talk them into just releasing a RCP language pack....

It's already available. To my own surprise I found the language packs quite
easily (Some days ago I must have missed them ;-) ), and they explicitely
include a RCP language pack. So either this or a subset of it must be included
in the full uDig release.
I have tried to locate this myself, but cannot. Can you provide a link? All I can find is the 3.0.1 SDK language pack.. no 3.1.M6 ones.

.. and ...
You will probably have to remove/turn off unsupported languages. Otherwise on,
lets say, an italian PC uDig will show up with English uDig menu entries and
italian Eclipse-based menu entries, I expect. Or is there a more elegant
I am still investigating this one. It wouldn't be too hard to just exclude specifc languages from the build. (Although I tried to do this with German, but obviously failed.)

BTW: I installed the full SDK pack, added the appropriate packages to the run
configuration (using "Add required plugins") and started uDig - and realized
that I had translated some things differently from the "original" Eclipse
translation. I'll have to correct this.
Sure. I will put your translations that you have already provided into the repository. I will also commit updates as you send them.

But it works, anyway! The missing menu items are German now.
Just the "Using the Eclipse help system" page is still English.

Thanks for the hints.
Thanks for the help :)

Richard  Gould

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