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Re: [udig-devel] Shapefile support

Romano Magacho wrote:

Hello Jody,

I was using version 0.8 where adding a source to the catalog included a ShapeFile option. I noticed that in verions 0.9RC3 this options has been removed. When I click to add something to the catalog there is only 3 options: Postgis, Web Feature Server and Web Map Server. However I can still  use shapefiles if I drag and drop a file from Windows Explorer to Udig catalog view. is this an odd behavior or was it predicted?
It was predicted - there is a File Dialog you can use to load all supported file types (shapefile included). Multiple selection will be supported in 0.9 - so you can add several shapefiles in one go.

The workflow has changed to avoid the catalog as much as possible, and instead focus on the Map (it provides visual feedback after all). Check in the File menu, and the Layer menu to get started.

Next week we review and revise the style editing workflow - you will be able to see some changes in 0.9 (such as the ability to DnD an SLD document onto your layer).

Cheers (and thanks for the testing)

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