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[udig-devel] Shapefile support

Hello Jody,

I was using version 0.8 where adding a source to the catalog included a
ShapeFile option. I noticed that in verions 0.9RC3 this options has been
removed. When I click to add something to the catalog there is only 3
options: Postgis, Web Feature Server and Web Map Server. However I can
still  use shapefiles if I drag and drop a file from Windows Explorer to
Udig catalog view. is this an odd behavior or was it predicted?

Thank you,
Romano Magacho

Indústria de Material Bélico do Brasil
Fábrica de Material de Comunicações e Eletrônica
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
Telefone: 55 21 2580-9868

> Release 0.9 release candidate 3 is available for download:
>     *^
>     *^
> The zip file works directly against the 3.1 M4 RCP download^
> <>
> from Your JRE will need to be extended with JAI^
> <>,
> ImageIO^
> <>
> and SOAP^ <>.
> This is based on M4 and includes our first improvements to usability and
> workflow.
> Jody
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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