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Re: [sumo-user] demand generation problems

routeSampler only uses the routes that you already provide as input. Of course, you can use before running routeSampler to analyze and tailor the input.

Looking at your scenario, I see the following issues
- uncoordinated/unjoined traffic light in the city center
- missing acceleration lanes at your motorway on-ramps. This turns highway on-ramps into normal junctions and reduces flow significantly.  (add ramps manually or rebuild your network with option --ramps.guess. This may split some edge which invalidates routes so afterwards you will have to regenerated your route files or repair them with duarouter option --repair


Am Mi., 8. Juli 2020 um 08:08 Uhr schrieb Anil Baral <baral.anil99@xxxxxxxxx>:
Thanks Barry. I tried to remove some routes that created traffic jams in the network due to U-turn, but it only reduces some traffic jams. It doesn't solve the jam in other parts of the network. I would like to know if there is any other way to generate and check the implausible routes. Is there a way to use with routeSampler to improve the traffic flow? 


On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 4:35 AM Evans, Barry <B.Evans@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Anil,

I haven't looked over the data but I had a similar problem when I was using One of causes I found for sever jams was to do with some vehicle routes either starting with or ending with a U-turn manoeuvre.

What I did was run the model in the GUI and visually look for where these jams are occurring and then click on the car that I believe to be causing the jam to see if it is attempting a U-turn either at the start of its journey or the end. If it is I'd then go into the rou.xml file in a text editor like notepad++ and look at the id of the vehicle causing the jam and trim either the beginning or the end of its route accordingly to remove the U-turn manoeuvre.

If this is the issue, removing these U-turns will help reduce jams.  I hope this helps but if not maybe someone else who is more familiar with could help.

All the best,


-----Original Message-----
From: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of anilbaral
Sent: 06 July 2020 19:23
To: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sumo-user] demand generation problems

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Hi all,
I have use to generate demand with edge count data. The edge data was generated from the flow file and contains the hourly count on the edges with detectors.  I was successfully able to generate the vehicle using routeSampler, and the mismatch was almost negligible. However, when I run the simulation, I find a lot of jam during *peak hours*.  I have used the actuated traffic light and most probably traffic light is not the cause of traffic jams.  I am not sure how to deal with this problem. I think it is due to the routes that are being generated by  Please suggest how can I deal with these issues and what can be the probable causes?

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