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Re: [sumo-user] moveToXY

Hi Jakob, 

I have one more query regarding moveToXY:

I am now able to control my vehicle successfully using IPG ego vehicle

I am calling function like this every timestep : 


The query is : vehicle is running offset to the lane and not on the middle
of the lane. I am hereby attaching the screenshot of sumo gui. I would be
very much obliged if you please let me know the reason behind such kind of


Another query is regarding leading vehicle position:

I want to get the position of leading vehicle every time step in sumo so
that i can update the traffic data in IPG from sumo.

I am using function in matlab as follows:

[A,B] = traci.vehicle.getLeader('125');

But every timestep, the value of A is always empty(''). There is no error
shown too.

Could you please help me to get the leading vehicle data in sumo?

Thanks and regards,
Mohammed Mohsin Memon

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