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Re: [sumo-user] why sumo-web3d does not show cars and road signs on the 3D world

Possibly, this is related to
You could check this by downgrading sumo to 0.32.0.

Am Di., 13. Nov. 2018 um 22:51 Uhr schrieb Mario <marietto2008@xxxxxxxxx>:

I've just created my first simulation with SUMO succesfully,as you can see below :


now I want to create a 3D enviroment where the cars can drive. I read that it can be done with sumo-web3d. To do that I gave the following command :
C:\Users\virtu\OneDrive\Desktop\SUMO\xml>sumo-web3d -c \users\virtu\onedrive\desktop\sumo\xml\map.sumo.cfg
Listening on: (HTTP) (WebSockets)

Switching to map.sumo.cfg
Executing C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\bin\sumo -c c:\users\virtu\onedrive\desktop\sumo\xml\map.sumo.cfg
Loading configuration... done.
Step #0.00C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\traci\ UserWarning: The domain trafficlights is deprecated, use trafficlight instead.
self._name, self._deprecatedFor)) # , DeprecationWarning)
Step #1.00000.00*RT, ~0.00UPS, TraCI: 13ms, vehicles TOT 0 ACT 0 BUF
BUT this is what happened :


as you can see,only the LIGHTs are visible. I don't see any car or other road signals that I see with sumo. So,what's the problem here ?  
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