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[sumo-user] why sumo-web3d does not show cars and road signs on the 3D world


I've just created my first simulation with SUMO succesfully,as you can see below :


now I want to create a 3D enviroment where the cars can drive. I read that it can be done with sumo-web3d. To do that I gave the following command :
C:\Users\virtu\OneDrive\Desktop\SUMO\xml>sumo-web3d -c \users\virtu\onedrive\desktop\sumo\xml\map.sumo.cfg
Listening on: (HTTP) (WebSockets)

Switching to map.sumo.cfg
Executing C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\bin\sumo -c c:\users\virtu\onedrive\desktop\sumo\xml\map.sumo.cfg
Loading configuration... done.
Step #0.00C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\traci\ UserWarning: The domain trafficlights is deprecated, use trafficlight instead.
self._name, self._deprecatedFor)) # , DeprecationWarning)
Step #1.00000.00*RT, ~0.00UPS, TraCI: 13ms, vehicles TOT 0 ACT 0 BUF
BUT this is what happened :


as you can see,only the LIGHTs are visible. I don't see any car or other road signals that I see with sumo. So,what's the problem here ?  

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