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Re: [ptp-user] A problem encountered when configuring PTP resource managers under eclipse

Yes. I used the latest version of eclipse, downloaded from I can't find other versions.
In addition, I also tried using "MPICH2-generic-interactive", but encountered another error as follows.
"Server finished with exit code 1" 
Please see attached snapshot figure for details. 

Do I need to install MPICH2 instead of MPICH3? 
In addition, it seems that there is a typo in your instruction or configuration wizard, conflicting to the instruction page (, 
in the "configuring resource managers", step 2b, it says: "If you use key based authentication, select the Public key based authentication radio button, select the file containing your public key, and enter the passphrase for your key (or leave blank if you don't use a passphrase)". However, in the configuration panel, the "public key" field is shown as "private key". To me, "public" key makes sense, but the field only accepts "private" key. Any comments? Thanks!


2013/5/22 Di Sheng <disheng222@xxxxxxxxx>
I tried to run an MPI program using eclipse, but encountered a serious problem.
When I configured "resource managers", it always failed. It reported such an error (as shown the snapshot attached), "failed to start resource manager. Reason: Command failed with exit status 127.". 
I tried to solve it with whole day, but still failed. Please help me out. Thanks in advance!!

I installed MPICH3 on my desktop machine (Ubuntu, 64-bit). 
The installation dir is /home/shdi/mpich/mpich3-install
Note that I can compile and run cpi.c program normally using "mpirun -np 1 -machinefile hostfile cpi", which means that the mpi configuration is ok. I also set ssh-without-password connection for the user account. 

I followed the instructions in this page ( step by step, so I really don't know what I did wrong.
The details of my configuration is below:
1. Windows --> open Perspective --> others...
2. click "parallel runtime"
3. "add resource manager", there is a list. In the list, there are possible items to choose: MPICH2 and MPICH2-generic-interactive. Which one should I select? 
4. I chose MPICH2
5. Then, it looks different from the instruction page, because I can't find "remote service provide". I expanded "advanced option" and change the tunneling option to be "none" because I just want to evaluate my mpi program using my single desktop computer.
6. Then, I fill in the fields requited, as shown in config1.png.
7. I switch "tunneling option" is be "none" again at this step.
8. I change the "installation location" to be the correct one, "/home/shdi/mpich/mpich3-install", as shown in config3.png.
9. When I "start" the resource manager, I got the error.png.

I am really very depressed about this problem. 
Could anyone help me? Thanks a million!!



Attachment: error2.png
Description: PNG image

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