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[ptp-user] A problem encountered when configuring PTP resource managers under eclipse

I tried to run an MPI program using eclipse, but encountered a serious problem.
When I configured "resource managers", it always failed. It reported such an error (as shown the snapshot attached), "failed to start resource manager. Reason: Command failed with exit status 127.". 
I tried to solve it with whole day, but still failed. Please help me out. Thanks in advance!!

I installed MPICH3 on my desktop machine (Ubuntu, 64-bit). 
The installation dir is /home/shdi/mpich/mpich3-install
Note that I can compile and run cpi.c program normally using "mpirun -np 1 -machinefile hostfile cpi", which means that the mpi configuration is ok. I also set ssh-without-password connection for the user account. 

I followed the instructions in this page ( step by step, so I really don't know what I did wrong.
The details of my configuration is below:
1. Windows --> open Perspective --> others...
2. click "parallel runtime"
3. "add resource manager", there is a list. In the list, there are possible items to choose: MPICH2 and MPICH2-generic-interactive. Which one should I select? 
4. I chose MPICH2
5. Then, it looks different from the instruction page, because I can't find "remote service provide". I expanded "advanced option" and change the tunneling option to be "none" because I just want to evaluate my mpi program using my single desktop computer.
6. Then, I fill in the fields requited, as shown in config1.png.
7. I switch "tunneling option" is be "none" again at this step.
8. I change the "installation location" to be the correct one, "/home/shdi/mpich/mpich3-install", as shown in config3.png.
9. When I "start" the resource manager, I got the error.png.

I am really very depressed about this problem. 
Could anyone help me? Thanks a million!!



Attachment: error.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: config1.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: config2.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: config3.png
Description: PNG image

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