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Re: [ptp-user] ptp-user] A problem encountered when configuring PTP resource managers under eclipse

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:39:17 Di Sheng <disheng222@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I tried to solve it with whole day, but still failed. Please help me out.

> Thanks in advance!!


> I installed MPICH3 on my desktop machine (Ubuntu, 64-bit).

> The installation dir is /home/shdi/mpich/mpich3-install

> Note that I can compile and run cpi.c program normally using "mpirun -np 1

> -machinefile hostfile cpi", which means that the mpi configuration is ok. I

> also set ssh-without-password connection for the user account.




I have seen that you are using MPICH3. I am not sure whether any of the current MPICH* resource managers are designed to handle that (them being MPICH2). Perhaps someone from the Eclipse development team can comment.


I am frequently using "remote generic interactive" (I hope that will make it into the next Eclipse release codenamed "kepler"). You can think of it as a fall back if everything else fails. Basically, it only does a ssh to the remote host and executes a script of your choice. This script can contain everything, setting up mpd demons or host files (machine files), preprocessing your input files, creating directories, moving the executable around, create yout LSF, LoadL, OpenPBS or Torque script - and of course start your job. This method leaves everything to you, every work - and every freedom.


Hope that helps - at least as a temporary work around.


And just as a double check - you are using the latest Eclipse, do you ? Clicking Help->About Eclipse, and it should answer something like this.

Version: Juno Service Release 2

Build id: 20130225-0426



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards


Dr. Christoph Pospiech

High Performance & Parallel Computing

Phone: +49-351 86269826

Mobile: +49-171-765 5871

E-Mail: christoph.pospiech@xxxxxxxxxx


IBM Deutschland GmbH / Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter

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