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Re: [ptp-dev] Opening remote projects very slow

I created a brand new remote makefile project containing a single small .c 
file, a Makefile and the executable. It took a few seconds for the project 
create to complete, but more or less reasonable. Then I closed the project 
and reopened it. The attempt to reopen it hung. I killed Eclipse and 
restarted it. I tried to open the project without starting the rdt server 
first, and that took a couple minutes, but then the project was open 
(without showing any files). I restarted Eclipse, started the rdt server 
and tried to open the project and the open project dialog has been hung 
for a few minutes now.

There's nobody else on the machine, and load average is 0.42 0.39 0.45.

I'm doing this via cable modem this week. Upload speed is about 
56kbytes/sec for a 40MB file and download speed is about 235kbytes/sec for 
a 25MB file. I saw the same problem at Supercomputing last week, where 
they are supposed to have very good network connections. What interactive 
response I saw to remote systems was reasonable to me. I also see this in 
my office, where the network also performs reasonably well.

I'm doing this from a Windows XP system. Last week was Windows Vista. I 
don't have access to a Linux system where I can run Eclipse and get to my 
test machine and I have no Mac systems.

I have what should be the latest rdt server on this machine, but double 

I'll send you a private email with instructions to get to my machine.

Chris Recoskie <recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
11/25/2008 03:20 PM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [ptp-dev] Opening remote projects very slow


I'm not sure I can provide any meaningful analysis on this without 
debugging your specific setup. In my experience, opening a simple "hello 
world" makefile project doesn't take more than a few seconds, even when I 
do it at home via VPN to a remote machine here in the lab. For me the 
behaviour is more or less the same regardless of the backend I connect to 
(I've used AIX, Linux x86, and Mac OSX).

If you have a lot of files and folders in your project, I can see the 
operation taking a while as Eclipse wants to do a deep refresh of the 
project when it's opened. That is hard to get around without changing the 
behaviour of the platform resources plug-in. But given your description of 
your projects, that would not seem to apply.

How much have you ruled out the performance of the network or of the 
remote machine? What throughput do you get to the machine when doing a 
large file transfer? Is the CPU on the remote machine heavily loaded? Is 
it I/O thrashing?

I'm willing to help debug this with you if you can grant me access to the 
system you're using.


Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT Team
IBM Toronto

Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
11/25/2008 08:09 AM 

Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>





[ptp-dev] Opening remote projects very slow

Has anyone had the opportunity to look at this problem? I tried opening 
remote projects again this morning. I made 5 attempts to open a remote 
project and 4 of them either hung or took a long time (more than 5 
minutes) to open, so I killed Eclipse. One attempt took a long time but 
finally opened after a few minutes. This morning's attempts are over a 
cable modem connection which is otherwise fairly responsive. I had similar 

problems last week at SC08 with a Windows Vista system which had Eclipse 
3.4, PTP 2.1, CDT 5.0.2 and the RSE runtime installed. When I started up 
in the morning, I frequently had an open project request hang, and I had 
to restart Eclipse multiple times to get all my remote projects working. I 

finally gave up and used local projects except for my debugger demo

This morning, when I clicked open project, the Open project popup appeared 

and the progress bar briefly appeared and showed some progress then 
disappeared. The status line at the bottom of the Eclipse window said that 

OpenProject was about 25% complete and it did not update. After a few 
seconds, the cursor changed to an hourglass when over the Open Project 
popup client area or over the Eclipse main window. At this point, Eclipse 
is unresponsive, except that the main window is repainted when I move the 
Open Project popup around over the main window. If I click the red close 
icon in either the Open Project popup or the Eclipse main window, I get a 
Windows popup telling me that Eclipse is not responding and I end up 
killing Eclipse.

When I ran on a Vista system at SC08, if I watched closely, it appeared as 

if the Open Project popup would appear, start to go away, then very 
quickly reappear again. I'm not sure if there is something causing a 
second instance of the Open Project dialog to be displayed or if I was 
just seeing things.

The remote projects I'm trying to open are small remote makefile projects 
with one or two .c files, a Makefile, and the executables. I'm seeing this 

when attemping to open projects on both AIX and ppc Linux systems.

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