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[ptp-dev] Opening remote projects very slow

Has anyone had the opportunity to look at this problem? I tried opening 
remote projects again this morning. I made 5 attempts to open a remote 
project and 4 of them either hung or took a long time (more than 5 
minutes) to open, so I killed Eclipse. One attempt took a long time but 
finally opened after a few minutes. This morning's attempts are over a 
cable modem connection which is otherwise fairly responsive. I had similar 
problems last week at SC08 with a Windows Vista system which had Eclipse 
3.4, PTP 2.1, CDT 5.0.2 and the RSE runtime installed. When I started up 
in the morning, I frequently had an open project request hang, and I had 
to restart Eclipse multiple times to get all my remote projects working. I 
finally gave up and used local projects except for my debugger demo

This morning, when I clicked open project, the Open project popup appeared 
and the progress bar briefly appeared and showed some progress then 
disappeared. The status line at the bottom of the Eclipse window said that 
OpenProject was about 25% complete and it did not update. After a few 
seconds, the cursor changed to an hourglass when over the Open Project 
popup client area or over the Eclipse main window. At this point, Eclipse 
is unresponsive, except that the main window is repainted when I move the 
Open Project popup around over the main window. If I click the red close 
icon in either the Open Project popup or the Eclipse main window, I get a 
Windows popup telling me that Eclipse is not responding and I end up 
killing Eclipse.

When I ran on a Vista system at SC08, if I watched closely, it appeared as 
if the Open Project popup would appear, start to go away, then very 
quickly reappear again. I'm not sure if there is something causing a 
second instance of the Open Project dialog to be displayed or if I was 
just seeing things.

The remote projects I'm trying to open are small remote makefile projects 
with one or two .c files, a Makefile, and the executables. I'm seeing this 
when attemping to open projects on both AIX and ppc Linux systems.


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