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Re: [ptp-dev] Opening remote projects very slow

Hi Dave,

When eclipse is starting up the connection to the remote server hasn't been established yet. This means eclipse cannot access the .project file and that causes the project to be automatically closed. If you open the error log view you should see some entries to that effect. There is currently no setting to change this behavior.

Remote projects open very fast for me, but my testing server is on our intranet.

Can you please try a few things to help diagnose the problem:

1) First we need to figure out if the problem only affects RDT projects, so try creating a non-RDT project on the remote server. Try using the regular New C++ Project Wizard to create a project on the remote server (indexing won't work but thats ok). Does this project take a long time to open after you restart eclipse?
2) After you open a RDT project and you have waited for a while try closing the project then opening it again. Does it take the same amount of time to reopen the project?
3) How long does it take to open a source file in the editor?

I'm thinking the problem might have to do with the fact that when a project is opened the first thing eclipse does is read the .project file, and the first thing CDT does is read the .cproject file. So these files may have to be transferred locally in their entirety, and that may take a while depending on the connection (and the .cproject file can become quite large).

Mike Kucera
Software Developer
IBM Eclipse CDT Team

Inactive hide details for Dave Wootton ---11/11/2008 07:32:03 AM---I have several remote projects defined in my workspace. EverDave Wootton ---11/11/2008 07:32:03 AM---I have several remote projects defined in my workspace. Every time I start


Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx>




11/11/2008 07:32 AM


[ptp-dev] Opening remote projects very slow

I have several remote projects defined in my workspace. Every time I start
Eclipse, these projects are in a closed state, which I'm assuming is
because of the overhead of opening a remote project. When I open a remote
project, even one with only a couple source files, a Makefile and a couple
executables, it either takes several minues or my Eclipse session is hung
with an hourglass. If I click widgets in the Eclipse Window, I get the
Windows XP application not responding dialog.

Is there any way to figure out what is going on? I can get the hang fairly

Also, are there settings anywhere that would leave open projects in an
open state rather than requiring me to re-open them each time I start
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