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Re: [ptp-dev] PTP installation


You don't need to run the program manually. It will be run automatically when you start the resource manager from within Eclipse. Also, only one copy will be run on your linux machine.


On Jun 2, 2008, at 7:33 AM, Vrush wrote:

Hi Greg,

I have installed MPICH2 on my linux box and also built
org.eclipse.ptp.linux.x86_* directory.
but I am getting following error while running mpiexec

Values mentioned in PATH variable and
ptp_mpich2_proxy: mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling:
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getResult'
   ./  207  ptp_mpd_proxy
       if proxy.getResult() < 0:
   ./  1077  ?

Even if i just run without mentioning mpiexec or
./, I am getting same errors.

The example mentioned in default example folder are running fine with
commands mpd &, mpiexec -n Number Program_name.

Is there anything that i am missing on?


Greg Watson-2 wrote:


First, a caveat. Although, local Windows to remote Linux should work
(I have seen it working on Beth's machine), it is not one of the
currently supported configurations, so has not been extensively tested.

Second, you should not need RSE unless you specifically require RSE
functionality. There is remote functionality that is part of PTP that
supports ssh connections to the remote system.

1. Download and install Eclipse 3.3.2 and CDT 4.0.3 on your windows

2. Start Eclipse. From the update manager, create the PTP update site
and install the following packages. I'm assuming that you have MPICH2
installed on the Linux box. You don't have to install Open MPI
support, but I suspect you'll want to debug eventually.

- Parallel Tools Platform End-User Runtime
- PTP Parallel Language Development Tools (optional, but recommended)
- PTP Remote Tools Enabler
- PTP Remote Tools
- PTP Support for MPICH2
- PTP Support for Open MPI

3. On the Linux machine, download the "Resource manager proxy agents".
Untar (or unzip) into your home directory. Run the BUILD command in
the org.eclipse.ptp.linux.x86_* directory.

4. Create an MPICH2 resource manager. Choose remote tools as the
service provider and create a new location corresponding to your linux
machine. Click the browse button and navigate to the location of the program from step #3. Choose it.

5. In the "Local address for proxy connection" box, choose the IP
address or hostname of your windows machine. The proxy on the remote
machine will try to connect to this address. Alternatively, choose
"Use port forwarding".

6. Start the resource manager.

Hope this helps.


On May 30, 2008, at 2:48 AM, vrushali babar wrote:

Hi all,
I have a bit of confusion here about Eclipse PTP versions and
compatible platforms.
I am planning to have Eclipse on windows machine (local) with PTP
and RSE installed though which I will be running remote proxy to run
few commands and will b fetching the output back. Remote proxy will
be installed on linux machine.
Please correct me if I am going wrong or if there exists any
compatibility problem.
Also it would be great if anyone could guide me through versions
(which one to download) and how to install proxies (I have done it
once but I guess I need to do it from start since I am facing many
Thanks in advance. I am in desperate need of pointers.


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