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Re: [ptp-dev] Parallel Environment implementation for PTP


One note about cloning the plug-ins.  Be sure to go into
the plug-in editor and change the paths on the extensions.

I only mention this because I have forgotten to do so in the
past, and it has bitten me in the butt.

Good luck,

On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 09:24 -0500, Dave Wootton wrote:
> Hi
> I downloaded the PTP head level code last night and was able to get my 
> simple MPI test program to work with OpenMPI. I saw the machine view, job 
> view and what looks like new resource manager stuff update as I was 
> running the job so I think everything is working for me with OpenMPI.
> I compared the ptp_orte_proxy.c code in the head level to what I 
> downloaded in mid-November and they were identical. I also accidentally 
> ran the first time with the mid-November OpenMPI proxy and that seemed to 
> work. That implies to me that my PE proxy should be in pretty good shape.
> It looks like the most productive thing for me to do is to spend the next 
> week trying to get the PTP front end to work with PE, and understand what 
> questions I should be asking related to the resource manager 
> implementation rather than the implementation I was working with. Then, if 
> anyone is available for a teleconference say Wednesday or Thursday next 
> week, we can try to arrange that, otherwise wait until January. If I'm not 
> ready to discuss by next Tuesday, then I'd defer the discussion.
> It looks like what I need to do is clone the org.eclipse.ptp.orte.proxy, 
> org.eclipse.ptp.orte.core and org.eclipse.ptp.orte.ui packages and then 
> use those cloned copies as the starting point for enabling PE and working 
> outward from there. My intent is to make only the minimal changes I  need 
> outside those packages to hook in the PE support. At least for now, I'd be 
> calling these packages org.eclipse.ptp.ibmpe.*
> Dave
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