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[ptp-dev] PLDT 1.1 I200612131333 build available

I've put the I200612131333 build of PLDT (Parallel Language Development
Tools)  version 1.1
on the download server. You can get it from

This build does the following:
1. Continues to locate MPI and OpenMP artifacts, provide help and content
assist, as well as OpenMP analysis and common problem location.
2. When no artifacts are found, provides some suggestions about missing
includes that may be the culprit.
3. Works on Standard and Managed Build projects, for C or C++, all
combinations of the two.
4. Changes from preprocessor, e.g. #define foo MPI_fn    locates foo() as
an MPI artifact..
5. MPI constants e.g. MPI_COMM_WORLD are now correctly found again.
6. Selection of source file or container to analyze is now "remembered"
better (no need to re-select it when focus changes).
7. Cleanup, printlns turned off, and some improved formatting of preference
8. Some updates to the PLDT help pages.

I still hope to fix by Friday:  the flashing-progress-monitor problem and
replace it with a single accurate progress monitor,
and hopefully replace the Runnable tasks (artifact locators) with Eclipse

The PLDT works with, or without, the PTP core, and will run on Windows,
with an MPI or OpenMP header file available,
as well as Linux, Mac, and probably elsewhere (but not tested).

High Productivity Tools / Parallel Tools
T.J.Watson Research Center
Lexington, KY 40511

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