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[ptp-dev] Parallel Environment implementation for PTP

I downloaded the PTP head level code last night and was able to get my 
simple MPI test program to work with OpenMPI. I saw the machine view, job 
view and what looks like new resource manager stuff update as I was 
running the job so I think everything is working for me with OpenMPI.

I compared the ptp_orte_proxy.c code in the head level to what I 
downloaded in mid-November and they were identical. I also accidentally 
ran the first time with the mid-November OpenMPI proxy and that seemed to 
work. That implies to me that my PE proxy should be in pretty good shape.

It looks like the most productive thing for me to do is to spend the next 
week trying to get the PTP front end to work with PE, and understand what 
questions I should be asking related to the resource manager 
implementation rather than the implementation I was working with. Then, if 
anyone is available for a teleconference say Wednesday or Thursday next 
week, we can try to arrange that, otherwise wait until January. If I'm not 
ready to discuss by next Tuesday, then I'd defer the discussion.

It looks like what I need to do is clone the org.eclipse.ptp.orte.proxy, 
org.eclipse.ptp.orte.core and org.eclipse.ptp.orte.ui packages and then 
use those cloned copies as the starting point for enabling PE and working 
outward from there. My intent is to make only the minimal changes I  need 
outside those packages to hook in the PE support. At least for now, I'd be 
calling these packages org.eclipse.ptp.ibmpe.*


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