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[platform-core-dev] 78333, was: multi-stream/rollup support

Michael Valenta Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:29:32 -0500 (rearranged)
> I'm not a Platform Core guy but I work on the Team/CVS component. I
> think that Platform Core (more specifically Platform Resources)
> would definitely need to play an enabling role here if auto-patching
> accross dependant workspaces were to be a possibility but I'm not
> sure that such a tool should live in the Eclipse Platform. My
> reasoning is this. The funtionality that you are discussing is
> really part of change management. 

Correct, I just wasn't sure where the organizational boundaries were.

> If you feel that a CVS specific tool of this kind would be useful
> then, by all means, log a feature request against Platform CVS.


Note that this requests a solution to my team's usecase (multiple
workspaces, same projects in each) rather than Warnicke's usecase (1
workspace, 1 project per version), just because they seem orthogonal
to me. But if a solution could be found to both, that would be great.

> I think it would be appropriate to log a feature request against
> Platform Resources for funtionality that would enable this type of
> tool (I suspect there is already a bug for workspace switching)

I'll let the function providers determine the dependencies :-)

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