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[platform-core-dev] Re: multi-stream/rollup support

Tom Roche
>> Well, Eclipse already has some awareness of multiple workspaces
>> (for File>Switch workspace). Optimally that could be expanded. But
>> workspaces are in the filesystem (as Workspace Launcher knows), so
>> a minimal solution would be to enable patching an arbitrary file
>> from a file in the workspace.

Ed Burnette Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:17:53 -0500 (noise chars removed)
> Would opening the differently-versioned projects in the same
> workspace help?

That might work for Warnicke's team/usecase, but I suspect it would
hose mine. We use the differently-versioned workspaces to test each
set of plugins: wouldn't having multiple versions of the same plugins
(and classes) in the same workspace confuse the platform (and JDT)?


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