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RE: [platform-core-dev] Re: multi-stream/rollup support

I haven't tried it but it seems that if you gave them different names (like jdt_v1, etc.) and were careful about your launch configuration it might work. Could get awkward though. You'd have to use working sets to reduce clutter. It would be easier if the navigators could work with more than one workspace (hard) or if switching workspaces were quick (maybe easier) or if each Workbench Window could be showing a different workspace (?).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: platform-core-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:platform-core-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
> Thomas L Roche
> That might work for Warnicke's team/usecase, but I suspect it would
> hose mine. We use the differently-versioned workspaces to test each
> set of plugins: wouldn't having multiple versions of the same plugins
> (and classes) in the same workspace confuse the platform (and JDT)?

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