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osgi-wg Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [osgi-wg] Approved minutes of the OSGi Working Group Steering Committee are available for your review and consideration, (continued)
  • [osgi-wg] OSGI Working Group Charter Update - Published, Sharon Corbett
  • [osgi-wg] Update on the OSGi Working Group, Jürgen Albert
  • [osgi-wg] OSGi Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Jan - Feb, 2021, Sharon Corbett
  • [osgi-wg] OSGi Steering Committee Working Group December 2020 Minutes, Sharon Corbett
  • [osgi-wg] Present a Virtual Eclipse Community Meetup!, Hudson Kelly
  • Re: [osgi-wg] [platform-dev] How to document OSGi extensibility?, Christoph Läubrich
  • [osgi-wg] OSGi Core Release 8 is final and published, BJ Hargrave
  • [osgi-wg] OSGi Working Group Published to Working Groups Webpage, Sharon Corbett
  • [osgi-wg] working group membership and tck questions, Scott Lewis
  • [osgi-wg] Introduction / Suggestion to clarify "Vision and Scope" / Membership description, Christoph Läubrich
  • [osgi-wg] Let's begin, Raymond Auge
  • Welcome to osgi-wg, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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