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[mylar-dev] refactoring of internal API usage

In order to better support repository connector integrators for 1.0, we have
refactored the Tasks framework clients (Bugzilla, JIRA, and Trac) to not
depend on any internal APIs.  This was a major refactoring due to the need
to hide implementation detail, but behavior preserving.  Organize Imports
should resolve most compile errors that could result.  This is now in HEAD
and build 0.9.1.v20061206-2200, and 0.9.2 should go out tomorrow.

We now enforce this API usage via Access Rules that are checked in with the
projects.  We made a few small exceptions (e.g. TaskListImages,
TaskListFontsAndColrs) since those are optional to extend and it is not
clear if they should be API.  More on this will go into the Integrators

167029: [api] remove need for tasks framework clients to rely on internal


Mik Kersten,
Mylar Project Lead,

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