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[jdt-ui-dev] Re: Refactoring - Where to start?

>Mariano, your steps were all good - glad that you were able to compile and 
>modify source code 
>of jdt ui (that's of course only step 0 if you want to contribute to jdt ui)
Hmmh. Do I detect a bit of irony in here? No offense taken,
but let me tell you, that the steps are obiously clear to you, but I would 
have appreciated to find something similar in one place. It lowers the entry 
barrier, not just for me, but also for other volunteers who want to 
concentrate on the beef in their spare time.

>there's no secret aganda here - bugs marked as 3.0 are intended to be fixed 
>for 3.0, plans say the rest of the story.
So the search term to use would be Product=JDT, Target Milestone=3.0, 3.0 M1, 
3.0 Mn, Summary=refactoring... ?

>have a look at open bugs, tell the asignee you're working on bug X or Y, 
>optionally ask for advice here or in the report, 
>submit a patch, win and enjoy the eternal glory of an eclipse project 
Yeah, you got me with the glory thing ;-) I took on I added a lengthy report 
of my doings and a proposed solution as a patch to HEAD.

I'd also like to propose a refactoring to remove unused members. I'll put 
together a couple of lines and post them to the list.

>>   Is there any document explaining the refactoring implementation itself?
>No, there is none, other that the source code itself and the tests.
Thanks for the pointers in your next posting, I'll try to find them.


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