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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Re: Refactoring - Where to start?

> Hmmh. Do I detect a bit of irony in here? No offense taken,
> but let me tell you, that the steps are obiously clear to you, but I would 
> have appreciated to find something similar in one place. It lowers the entry 
> barrier, not just for me, but also for other volunteers who want to 
> concentrate on the beef in their spare time.

nope, no irony :-)
i was just trying to say that getting eclipse to compile is only 
the first step on the way to making a contribution.
the next obvious steps are: get the jdt ui and refactoring test suites, make them run,
write tests for whatever you want to implement, implement the functionality, 
make the tests pass, create a patch, attach to a bug report

> >there's no secret aganda here - bugs marked as 3.0 are intended to be fixed 
> >for 3.0, plans say the rest of the story.
> So the search term to use would be Product=JDT, Target Milestone=3.0, 3.0 M1, 
> 3.0 Mn, Summary=refactoring... ?

we use tags for that, the full list of which can be found here:

so a good thing to search for is: [refactoring] (in summary)

> >have a look at open bugs, tell the asignee you're working on bug X or Y, 
> >optionally ask for advice here or in the report, 
> >submit a patch, win and enjoy the eternal glory of an eclipse project 
> >participant
> Yeah, you got me with the glory thing ;-) I took on 
> I added a lengthy report 
> of my doings and a proposed solution as a patch to HEAD.

good, i'll have a look at that, thanks

> >>   Is there any document explaining the refactoring implementation itself?
> >No, there is none, other that the source code itself and the tests.
> Thanks for the pointers in your next posting, I'll try to find them.

if you have problems finding them, let me know

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