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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] Fwd: Refactoring. Where to start?

Mariano, your steps were all good - glad that you were able to compile and modify source code 
of jdt ui (that's of course only step 0 if you want to contribute to jdt ui)

>   Well, I don't know if I am qualified and also don't know how much time, if 
> any, I can spare, but at least I'd like to have a look at the things on the 
> agenda. I would have appreciated to do this quietly without drawing attention 
> or building up expectations ... but well, as I am now in the open ...
> Is there any kind of documentation/mailinglist posting, besides 
> Milestone_Planning explaining what are the next goals/todo items for 
> refactoring? Just curious ...

there's no secret aganda here - bugs marked as 3.0 are intended to be fixed for 3.0, plans say the rest of the story.
have a look at open bugs, tell the asignee you're working on bug X or Y, optionally ask for advice here or in the report, 
submit a patch, win and enjoy the eternal glory of an eclipse project participant

>   Is there any document explaining the refactoring implementation itself?

No, there is none, other that the source code itself and the tests.


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