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[jdt-ui-dev] Fwd: Refactoring. Where to start?


  ok, the response to below mentioned mail was overwhelming ... one at a time 
would be enough... 

  Of course I blame that on me ... My question was not specific enough ... I 
was actually hoping to get a hint where to lookup the information. So in 
absence of that I had a look at what I found (the cvs repository). For the 
sake of confirmation and the archives, I describe my very first steps below. 
I left out the website bit.

Steps to accomplish the following goals
- See all neccessary code, to browse it and
  to meet all dependencies
- Run the unit tests
- Modify the refactoring code

  [ Get the basics ]
  - Download a current 3.0 build

  [ Get the code you wanna work on ]
  - Check out from cvs
    - org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests.refactoring,
    - org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests and
    - org.eclipse.jdt.ui

  [ Get what is neccessary to let "your" code compile ]
  - Run File/Import/External Plug-ins and Fragments
    - Plug-isn and Fragments to Import
      - Select: Import plug-ins and fragments required
                by existing workspace plug-ins
      - Import As
        - Projects with source folders
      - Next
    - Selection 
      - Select all displayed Plug-Ins
      - Finish

  [ Get the JUnit-Runner for Plug-Ins ]
  - Download the latest version of PDE-JUnit from
  - Unpack the downloaded zip into the "plugins" directory  of your 
    eclipse installation
  - Restart Eclipse
  [ Check that you modify the right code ]
  - Open Type "ChangeSignatureRefactoring"
  - Grab the only constructor and insert and println()-statement
  - Fire up a Runtime-Workbench, do a "change signature refactoring" 
    and watch out for your println() content... 

  [ Check if the unit-tests can be run  ]
  - Open Type "AllAllTests" and run it with
    Run As - JUnit Plug-In test
  - 1,541.96 seconds later all tests are through
    (AllAllTests as a starting point to verify the environment might be a bit
     of an overkill though ;-))
  - start wondering what the semantic meaning of test0 is ... ;-)

>>If you have a background in the development of user interfaces, are 
interested in making the development and exploration of Java code fun, then 
don't hesitate to contact the JDT UI team. There is upcoming work in many 
areas like the Java editor or refactoring support. We need help for 
implementing many more refactorings. However be warned, the refactoring work 
is done in a strict test-first style, so get used to write tests before code!

  Well, I don't know if I am qualified and also don't know how much time, if 
any, I can spare, but at least I'd like to have a look at the things on the 
agenda. I would have appreciated to do this quietly without drawing attention 
or building up expectations ... but well, as I am now in the open ...
Is there any kind of documentation/mailinglist posting, besides 
Milestone_Planning explaining what are the next goals/todo items for 
refactoring? Just curious ...

  Is there any document explaining the refactoring implementation itself?

ps. I haven't got my last mail as confirmation, but found it in the archives. 
So I am wondering if I have a problem with my subscription or if it is a 
problem with the mail server .. Could somebody send me a private mail with 
"got it" in the subject line?

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Refactoring. Where to start?
Date: Monday 07 July 2003 23:10
From: Mariano Kamp <mkamp@xxxxxx>
To: jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx


  is this the right list regarding refactoring?

  I am wondering if there is any good starting point in learning about how
refactoring is done in eclipse?



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