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[jdt-ui-dev] Rename refactoring related questions...

During some tryouts with the jdt.ui "rename refactoring" code, I realized
that the Eclipse workbench always performs the create methods of
"jdt.ui.refactoring.RenameSupport" during it's startup phase. These create
methods are also always used when selecting any Java type in the outline or
project structure view.

So this RenameSupport context seems to be always used/passed through for
setting up some pre-creation for the general rename support. - I wonder that
the "newName" string is always used (?) there in this soon pre context. At
this stage there seems not to be any knowledge of the, usualy from the user
via the input dialog setup new name, for any of the possible handled Java

Where is the point in the rename refactoring API, where the user's input
from the rename dialog will be finally performed only once, after passing
through all needed informations for a rename refactoring?

What would be the best place in the deep structures of the rename
refactoring (for rename class, method and field) to hook in some own none
Java file rename context handlings? - I mean a possible point, which might
be similar to the one which is now there since M5 for XML file based rename

Thank's for any pointers into the right directions


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