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[jdt-ui-dev] Refactoring: checking compilation of multiple compilation units after the operation?

I have implemented a refactoring that may effect multiple compilation units.
I've noticed that some refactorings run a compilation on WorkingCopy's of
the affected compilation units.

1) What's the motivation for checking that the compilation has no errors?
Presumably a refactoring always produces syntactically-valid code, and
moreover doesn't change behavior (otherwise it's not really a refactoring).

2) If there is a good reason for checking compilation of the result of my
refactoring, how do I check the compilation of multiple compilation units?

My refactoring modifies the signature of a method, and so call sites in
other compilation units will generally be modified to match.

The compilation-checking code that I've seen elsewhere in jdt.ui looks
like it wouldn't work if the changes span multiple compilation units.

Thanks in advance for any and all pointers...

Dr. Robert M. Fuhrer, rfuhrer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

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