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[jdt-ui-dev] extending jdt.junit using addTestRunListener(ITestRunListener)

I am trying to find a way to extend the org.eclipse.jdt.junit plugin.  I
have found the following two possiblities for doing this:
(1) register my listener with the JUnitPlugin using the
addTestRunListener(ITestRunListener) method.
(2) register my listener by using the testRunListener extension declared
in the manifest for the latest jdt.junit code.

I have encountered problems trying both these methods: i found that the
add method is not implemented in any of the latest builds for the plugin
that i was able to find:

Eclipse 2.02 has org.eclipse.jdt.junit_2.0.1
Eclipse RC1 has org.eclipse.jdt.junit_2.1.0

I thus decided to build my own version of the plugin using downloadable
source code from the following cvs view:

Having built this plugin and installing it into my plugin folder for
Eclipse 2.02, i found that although this version had both the add method
and the testRunListener extension, the plugin was not viable since it had
other errors (namely in ui.TestRunnerViewPart,
util.CheckedTableSelectionDialogue and util.JUnitStubUtility).

I am really at a loss now as to how to extend the jdt.junit plugin?  am i
going about this the wrong way?

Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC.

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