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Re: [jdt-ui-dev] extending jdt.junit using addTestRunListener(ITestRunListener)

The right way to extend the junit plugin is by the testRunListener
extension point.
This requires 2.1 RC1. When you use the extension point you don't have to
addListener, by declaring the extension point you will be registered.

>I thus decided to build my own version of the plugin using downloadable
>source code from the following cvs view:
Eclipse supports backward compatibility. What you are trying to do is the
i.e., run the source of a 2.1 plugin on top of 2.0.2. The 2.1 version of
the JUnit plugin uses new
API/features that got added for 2.1. If you want to extend the junit plugin
for 2.0.2
you have to fully down port the 2.1 version. The recommend approach, is to
do your
work on 2.1 RC1.


             Farheen Rawji                                                 
             >                                                          To 
             Sent by:                  jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              
             jdt-ui-dev-admin@                                          cc 
                                       [jdt-ui-dev] extending jdt.junit    
             03/05/2003 02:51          using                               
             AM                        addTestRunListener(ITestRunListener 
             Please respond to                                             

I am trying to find a way to extend the org.eclipse.jdt.junit plugin.  I
have found the following two possiblities for doing this:
(1) register my listener with the JUnitPlugin using the
addTestRunListener(ITestRunListener) method.
(2) register my listener by using the testRunListener extension declared
in the manifest for the latest jdt.junit code.

I have encountered problems trying both these methods: i found that the
add method is not implemented in any of the latest builds for the plugin
that i was able to find:

Eclipse 2.02 has org.eclipse.jdt.junit_2.0.1
Eclipse RC1 has org.eclipse.jdt.junit_2.1.0

I thus decided to build my own version of the plugin using downloadable
source code from the following cvs view:

Having built this plugin and installing it into my plugin folder for
Eclipse 2.02, i found that although this version had both the add method
and the testRunListener extension, the plugin was not viable since it had
other errors (namely in ui.TestRunnerViewPart,
util.CheckedTableSelectionDialogue and util.JUnitStubUtility).

I am really at a loss now as to how to extend the jdt.junit plugin?  am i
going about this the wrong way?

Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC.
jdt-ui-dev mailing list

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