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Re: [jdt-dev] junits not hooked anywhere

The "usual way" is to actually look at the build results, if I add one one or more test but the testcount do not show a +1 (or larger) on the result page then something is missing ...

Beside that, if we can *detect* missing/dangling test automatically I don't see why not *execute* them automatically, so this is a chicken-egg problem, because we can't/want'/... use an automated detection (what e.g. usually works by define a name pattern) we have some preconfigured ones, but no automation can decide that something is missing from a set of "manually selected tests" to run...

Am 18.06.24 um 13:01 schrieb Sankaran, Srikanth via jdt-dev:
I routinely run into instances where someone has created a junit test file but has not hooked it anywhere:

E.g: org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.SealedTypeModelTests

And till very recently (as of commit 148985eeafb27373226ac1a7ead4e7c5584f3d4b*)*



This mail is to (a) alert committers of such dangling tests and (b) to get folks to think about an automated way to locate such dangling files.

We may be merging code that causes inadvertent regressions …


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