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  • [jdt-dev] When is green not green ?, Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] Opportunity for funded work - Linux GTK4 support: Snippet #1 "Hello World" working, Thomas Froment
  • [jdt-dev] Opportunity for funded work - Java TextBlocks improvement using semantic highlighting in JDT, Thomas Froment
  • [jdt-dev] Examples from JEP document, Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] A new project addition, Manoj Nalledathu Palat
  • [jdt-dev] what exactly does the PR job on jenkins build?, Stephan Herrmann
  • [jdt-dev] junits not hooked anywhere, Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] Join us for the Eclipse IDE on-site Community Day at SAP - July 10th, Thomas Froment
  • [jdt-dev] ecj plans to drop support for Java releases < 1.8 in 4.33, Andrey Loskutov
  • [jdt-dev] Master branch is open for 4.33 development, Rahul M .
  • [jdt-dev] Invitation for an open Eclipse IDE - Developers community call, Hannes Wellmann
  • [jdt-dev] Hannes Wellmann's new role through the Eclipse IDE WG Development Funding Effort, Thomas Froment
  • [jdt-dev] How does this code work ?, Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] JDT.Core Cleanup Practice, Manoj Nalledathu Palat
  • [jdt-dev] junit runner colors, Stephen Crowley
  • [jdt-dev] Use of Java asserts in ECJ, Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] Generating jclmin and convertermin jars, Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] 20 year old bug ? :), Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] Committer Election for Mickael Istria on Eclipse JDT (Java development tools) has started, emo
  • [jdt-dev] RFC - Withdrawing compiler support for older versions of Java levels, Sankaran, Srikanth
  • [jdt-dev] JDT and javac, Eric Williams
  • [jdt-dev] Recent changes in JDT Core regarding line numbers for annotated constructors?, Alexander Kriegisch
  • [jdt-dev] Java 22 Feature Status for Eclipse 2024-03 (4.31), Manoj Nalledathu Palat
  • [jdt-dev] Master branch is open for 4.32 development, Rahul Mohanan
  • [jdt-dev] Monthly JDT Sync Call Reminder, Roland Grunberg
  • [jdt-dev] 4.32 Milestones Created, Manoj Nalledathu Palat
  • [jdt-dev] Support for identifier '_' for old compile source/target versions, Alexander Kriegisch
  • [jdt-dev] Is the AV detection on the Eclemma docs plugin a FP?, Al T
  • [jdt-dev] Update compiler.batch for 4.30, Alexander Kriegisch
  • [jdt-dev] Syntax Highlighting for java.g, David Thompson

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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