The tools seem fine for now, but shouldn't there be some markers or annotations present in the source spec document?
For example, take authorization, assertion 4:
<assertion required = "true" impl-spec = "false" defined-by = "technology" status = "active" testable = "true">
Each Policy provider that satisfies this contract must perform or delegate to another provider
all the permission evaluations requested via its interface in the JRE; not just those made by the container to
implement Jakarta EE security functionality.
Now in the spec document we have:
=== Requirements
. This contract must support providers that are unable to determine, before returning from `Policy.getPermissions()`,
all the permissions that pertain to a subject/protection domain.
. Each Policy provider that satisfies this contract must perform or delegate to another provider all the permission
evaluations requested via its interface in the JRE; not just those made by the container to implement
Jakarta EE security functionality.
. Each provider must export interfaces (defined by this contract) for use by containers and or container deployment
tools to create policy statements within the policy store of the provider. These interfaces must be used when an
application or module is deployed in a container.
I think the assumption is that there's a marker, annotation or tag involving "4" around the second list item. But it's not there. Meaning, the tools can't extract that paragraph automatically and put it in an XML file with the ID 4.
Now I wonder, was the original document marked in some way and didn't this marking or tag transfer, or am I just totally missing something?
Kind regards,