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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Where are the sources for the JAXWS standalone TCK...

Hi Scott,

Please see inline.

On 19/03/19 8:01 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:
Hi Alwin,

On 3/18/19 11:25 PM, Alwin Joseph wrote:
Hi Scott,

The standalone TCKs are built using script [1]. This is run as a part of the job [2] and available at the location [3].

Thanks, that makes sense now for the JAXWS source location, I missed that "se" marks a source folder that also contains standalone TCK sources.

Are some of the standalonetck-nightly-build-run [2] jobs expected to be against older versions of the jakartaee-tck [4] repo?
standalonetck-nightly-build-run job is expected to build the latest from jakartaee-tck repo but it is currently using the EE4J_8 branch and not master. The difference that you see is the recent commit which was made only on master branch and not present in EE4J_8.

We plan to merge the EE4J_8 to master soon and remove EE4J_8.

For example, I just downloaded the standalone websocket TCK and it seems to be from older source.  I'd like to be able to download the latest Jakarta EE 8 standalone TCKs, rather than having to build them locally. Is that the intention or should I really be building them?

I did:


And then used "meld" to compare my local jakartaee-tck [4] source against the downloaded zip for class and the source doesn't seem to contain changes made recently, some different lines are:

From jakartaee-tck repo:

Copyright (c) 2013, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates and others.
protected static String sendObject(Async asyncRemote, Class<?> type) {
    try {
      Future<Void> future = null;
      if (type == byte.class) {
        byte b = -100;
        future = asyncRemote.sendObject(b);
      } else if (type == short.class) {
        short s = -101;
... more differences not pasted here to keep this brief.


Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  protected static String sendObject(Async asyncRemote, Class<?> type) {
    try {
      if (type == byte.class) {
        byte b = -100;
      } else if (type == short.class) {
        short s = -101;
... other differences not pasted here to keep this brief.

I see the same differences with as well.

I didn't check the versus the jakartaee-tck [4] repo yet but also have the same question, as to whether that reflects the latest jakartaee-tck [4] repo, as I would like to download the latest CTS to run against, instead of building the latest CTS locally.
They are both built from jakartaee-tck [4] repo.  You can view the corresponding .version files in this directory to know the repo version. I believe is built within oracle infra, and jakartaeetck from eclipse infra. I will confirm this.


You can find the general ant commands used to build any standalone TCK as below:

1. ant -f $BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin/build.xml -Ddeliverabledir=$tck -Dbasedir=$BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin $TCK_SPECIFIC_PROPS $JAXWS_SPECIFIC_PROPS clean.all build.all.jars

2. ant -f $BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin/build.xml -Ddeliverabledir=$tck -Dbasedir=$BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin $TCK_SPECIFIC_PROPS $JAXWS_SPECIFIC_PROPS -Djava.endorsed.dirs=$BASEDIR/glassfish5/glassfish/modules/endorsed build.all

3. ant -f $BASEDIR/release/tools/build.xml -Ddeliverabledir=$tck -Dbasedir=$BASEDIR/release/tools $DOC_SPECIFIC_PROPS -Dskip.createbom="true""true" $TCK_SPECIFIC_PROPS $tck

where $tck = jaxws, for JAXWS. You would also need to set the environment variables as it is done in the

I can see the "se" folder is present at [4]. Can you please let me know if more/specific details are required.





Thanks & Regards,
Alwin Joseph

On 18/03/19 10:50 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

Where is the source for the standalone JAXWS TCK [1]?

I don't see any "se" folders in the "jaxws" subfolder of the jakartaee-tck repo [2] and don't really understand how the "stand-alone" TCK aggregator in the jakartaee-tck Jenkins jobs is finding it exactly, I'd like to understand more of how this is handled, so I can help out more.

I assume it has something to do with the Trigger/call builds on other projects "jakartaee-tck/EE4J_8" in [3]?




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