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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Where are the sources for the JAXWS standalone TCK...

Hi Alwin,

On 3/18/19 11:25 PM, Alwin Joseph wrote:
Hi Scott,

The standalone TCKs are built using script [1]. This is run as a part of the job [2] and available at the location [3].

Thanks, that makes sense now for the JAXWS source location, I missed that "se" marks a source folder that also contains standalone TCK sources.

Are some of the standalonetck-nightly-build-run [2] jobs expected to be against older versions of the jakartaee-tck [4] repo?

For example, I just downloaded the standalone websocket TCK and it seems to be from older source. I'd like to be able to download the latest Jakarta EE 8 standalone TCKs, rather than having to build them locally. Is that the intention or should I really be building them?

I did:


And then used "meld" to compare my local jakartaee-tck [4] source against the downloaded zip for class and the source doesn't seem to contain changes made recently, some different lines are:

From jakartaee-tck repo:

Copyright (c) 2013, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates and others.
protected static String sendObject(Async asyncRemote, Class<?> type) {
    try {
      Future<Void> future = null;
      if (type == byte.class) {
        byte b = -100;
        future = asyncRemote.sendObject(b);
      } else if (type == short.class) {
        short s = -101;
... more differences not pasted here to keep this brief.


Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  protected static String sendObject(Async asyncRemote, Class<?> type) {
    try {
      if (type == byte.class) {
        byte b = -100;
      } else if (type == short.class) {
        short s = -101;
... other differences not pasted here to keep this brief.

I see the same differences with as well.

I didn't check the versus the jakartaee-tck [4] repo yet but also have the same question, as to whether that reflects the latest jakartaee-tck [4] repo, as I would like to download the latest CTS to run against, instead of building the latest CTS locally.


You can find the general ant commands used to build any standalone TCK as below:

1. ant -f $BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin/build.xml -Ddeliverabledir=$tck -Dbasedir=$BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin $TCK_SPECIFIC_PROPS $JAXWS_SPECIFIC_PROPS clean.all build.all.jars

2. ant -f $BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin/build.xml -Ddeliverabledir=$tck -Dbasedir=$BASEDIR/install/$tck/bin $TCK_SPECIFIC_PROPS $JAXWS_SPECIFIC_PROPS -Djava.endorsed.dirs=$BASEDIR/glassfish5/glassfish/modules/endorsed build.all

3. ant -f $BASEDIR/release/tools/build.xml -Ddeliverabledir=$tck -Dbasedir=$BASEDIR/release/tools $DOC_SPECIFIC_PROPS -Dskip.createbom="true""true" $TCK_SPECIFIC_PROPS $tck

where $tck = jaxws, for JAXWS. You would also need to set the environment variables as it is done in the

I can see the "se" folder is present at [4]. Can you please let me know if more/specific details are required.





Thanks & Regards,
Alwin Joseph

On 18/03/19 10:50 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

Where is the source for the standalone JAXWS TCK [1]?

I don't see any "se" folders in the "jaxws" subfolder of the jakartaee-tck repo [2] and don't really understand how the "stand-alone" TCK aggregator in the jakartaee-tck Jenkins jobs is finding it exactly, I'd like to understand more of how this is handled, so I can help out more.

I assume it has something to do with the Trigger/call builds on other projects "jakartaee-tck/EE4J_8" in [3]?




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