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[] Fwd: 1/30/19 Jakarta EE Town Hall : 3 pics, feedback and transfer task follow up!

Fwrd, the 3 pics are too large and msg gets send  to moderation due to its large size. 
Therefore, pics are added to the folder, under pics. :)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Amelia Eiras <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: 1/30/19 Jakarta EE Town Hall : 3 pics, feedback and transfer task follow up!
Date: January 30, 2019 at 6:56:37 PM PST
To: Tanja Obradovic <tanja.obradovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jakarta EE Community <>


What a busy Wednesday for our Community. +57 individuals chose to join the 1st Community call. Now, not everyone wrote their names in the minute calls, please do follow-up and own your presence via the working doc. :)  

Recommendation based on today’s fantastic very first interaction that hopefully enables more voices who attended to also provide feedback via this open channel: 

  • how about we change the Name of the event from: Jakarta EE Town Hall [executive report enabling Q&A exchanges with the “executives”]  to Jakarta EE Community Call?
    1. there are no executives in the Jakarta EE project, no worthy titles— lets aim for a flat project that elevates its members via actions instead
    2. doers is each individual acting for the benefit of the project, she/he has an equal say and space during the call 
  • if the Community chooses to schedule a call once per month or preferable every 2 months(based on current status), the powerpoint presentation ought to be delivered at least >1 week in advance to its Community.  That crude agenda could set the call expectations and help with effective interaction & greater participation:
    1. the attendees could prepare questions before the call based on the content of the slides
    2. the slides could renew the interest of unlikely attendees
    3. Code of Conduct:   AMA philosophy: Ask ME Anything
  • the powerpoint [PW] presentation, if it exists, ought not to be delivered during the call. Too time consuming. Instead, early delivery and using the Community google Drive (discussed below)  could be the very base that enables and fosters a proactive/honest Q&A.  No need to safe-face b/c respect demands we drop such weak norms from the project.  

The 3 points above in summary state that the current active members of the WG & the 3 Commitees are not meant to ask questions to each other and talk as we do during the internal calls.
The goal of the Community Call is to get new voices to participate, to asked us questions.
It is the job of the Cmtees to increase the confidence of the community so that such environment on healthy and brave participation braids warm and effective, with more active brains and voices during the calls. 

—  thankful to be able to own this feedback with OSS form and mind— 

Delivery of my task from today’s Jakarta EE Town Hall meeting FOR TANJA, thanks for all you do!

Due to google features issues, I am not able to make you the owner of the folder named Jakarta EE Community Participation 2 folders: Call Minutes>Community calls & Tech Talks AND Project Releases>GlassFish (1st release activity)]
Instead, can you please download the folder? please let me know when completed and I will delete this version. Thankyou!

Folder transition leads to its up-keep and Recommendations: 
  1. to keep the Project Releases folder * 39 projects as they become true. This is the first folder created early in Jan for the Glassfish 5.1. release.  Folder contains the original psd media design file created for the release. 
  2. to add the minutes link to the future Community minutes & TechTalk minutes to the  respective calendars and agendas
  3. to keep the folder’s access:
  • public can find;
  • public can view;
  • public can edit.

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