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[iot-wg] Industry 4.0 Announcements: New Open IoT Testbed and White Paper


Today we are really excited to publicly release two initiatives from the Eclipse IoT WG around Industry 4.0. I believe they are a great step towards establishing open source, and Eclipse IoT, as a key element to any Industry 4.0 solution.

  • Bosch SI, CONTACT Software, Eurotech, fortiss GmbH and InfluxData have been working on an Industry 4.0 testbed, focusing on Production Performance Management, and it is being made available today to anyone interested in understanding 1/ how open source software can help implement real-world Industry 4.0 scenarios and 2/ the commercial ecosystem (hardware manufacturers, PLM vendors, system integrators, etc.) that is already there and that people can leverage for building their solutions. Like our previous testbed for Asset Tracking Management, all the code and instructions around the testbed are being made available in open source, making it easy for anyone to replicate and extend it.
    You can read more on the testbed at and for those of you at EclipseCon Europe next week, there will be an in-depth walkthrough and demo during the Working Group meeting on Monday, and all the participants to the testbed will be also attending the "Hackday" on Wednesday, working on the next steps for the testbed and teaming up with anyone interested in extending it.
    I would like to personally thank Axel Meinhardt and Henryk Fischer from Bosch SI, as well as Bor Gonzalez Usach and Frank Patz-Brockmann from CONTACT Software for the huge amount of work they’ve put into getting this testbed off the ground! Kudos to them and the entire team!
  • We are also releasing today our white paper on "Open Source Software for Industry 4.0", which is a collaboration of the IoT Working Group, with contributions from many member companies and individuals. Thanks to everyone who participated to this effort.
    I am attaching the white paper to this email, it is also available at - feel free to share with your networks :-)

A press release will go out shortly, and we will be pushing these two initiatives on social media… with your support I hope!

Best regards,

Attachment: Eclipse IoT White Paper - Open Source Software for Industry 4.0.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

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