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  • [iot-wg] Kynetics member of the IoT Workgroup, Nicola La Gloria
  • [iot-wg] Announcement: Winners of Open IoT Challenge 4.0, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Agenda for next IoT WG meeting on April 10, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] New project proposal: Eclipse fog05 - open source fog computing platform, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Invitation for an online Survey_Software Architecture of Cloud-based IoT in automotive, Ahmad Bani Jamali
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: [iot-pmc] New Project Proposal: Eclipse HIP, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Événement annulé: Eclipse IoT WG bi-weekly call - mar. 27 mars 2018 5pm - 6pm (CEST) (iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), benjamin . cabe
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG meeting on Tuesday 27 is cancelled, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Submit your article - Eclipse IoT Newsletter (April), Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: [iot-wg-integration] Eclipse IoT Integration WG Update, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: EclipseCon France: Early picks to inspire your proposal! , Gael Blondelle
  • [iot-wg] KubeCon and CloudNativeCon Europe 2018 - Opportunity to demo Eclipse IoT technology, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Agenda for next IoT WG meeting tomorrow, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Upcoming CFPs + Announcing Speakers for Eclipse IoT Day Santa Clara, Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] Documents, Pierre Gauthier
  • [iot-wg] AGILE IoT Open Call #2 - Deadline March 30, Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] Nokia now participating to the IoT Workgroup, Carre, Laurent (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay)
  • [iot-wg] IoT Developer Survey 2018 - last days to participate, please help promote!, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] [Announcement] New mailing list for cross-project & integration topics, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Invitation: Eclipse IoT WG bi-weekly call - Toutes les 2 semaines entre 5pm et 6pm le mardi entre le mar. 27 févr. et le mar. 14 janv. 2020 (CET) (iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx), benjamin . cabe
  • [iot-wg] Agenda for IoT WG meeting tomorrow, Feb 27, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] V2COM would like to join the IoT Working Group., Leonardo Lima
  • [iot-wg] [Reminder] Eclipse IoT Day Santa Clara - CfP closes on Feb 15, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Invitation for an online Survey_Software Architecture for automotive IoT Cloud Platform, Philippe Krief
  • [iot-wg] Next call on Tuesday 13: focus on PMC topics, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT WG Strategy for 2018, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] BCW Discount + Free Passes, Roxanne Joncas
  • [iot-wg] unsubscribe, Karl Nicholas
  • [iot-wg] IoT Developer Survey is live! Get your personalized links, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Community Metrics - December 2017, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse Keti code now available on, Sanjeev Chopra
  • [iot-wg] Introduction to Eclipse Kuksa, Robert Höttger
  • [iot-wg] Announcing Eclipse IoT Day Santa Clara on May 14 + Call for Papers, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: [iot-testbeds] Future of the PPM testbed, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Next IoT WG Meeting Agenda, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Strategy for 2018, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] [Q] Recommended IIoT package system using OSS (including Eclipse and other projects), Shigeru Ishida
  • [iot-wg] Fwd: [] 2018 Elections: Nominations Open, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] CfP for Open IoT Summit (deadline Jan 7), Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Agenda, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Leaving the Eclipse Foundation, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Call for participation: FOSDEM 2018, Feb 3-4, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] Updates to white papers, Benjamin Cabé
  • [iot-wg] IoT WG Member Survey Results, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Next IoT SC, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Agenda for new IoT WG Meeting, Ian Skerrett
  • [iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Community Metrics - November 2017, Benjamin Cabé

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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