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November 17, 2017
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14927] css-loader emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14926] bulma emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14925] buefy emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14924] SLF4J API Version: 1.7.21 (PB CQ11943) emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14923] browserify-aes emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14922] base64-js emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14921] Apache Qpid Proton-j Version 0.19.0 (PB CQ13815) emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14920] axios emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14919] webpack emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14918] vuvuzela emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14917] vue-color emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14916] uuid emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14915] util-deprecate emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14914] string_decoder emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14913] stream-browserify emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14912] spark-md5 emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14911] Netty 4.1.9.Final (PB CQ13847) emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14910] sha.js emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14909] setimmediate emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14908] safe-buffer emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14907] regenerator-runtime emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14906] randombytes emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14905] promise-nodify emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14904] JBoss Logmanager 2.0.3.Final (PB CQ14128) emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14903] process-nextick-args emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14902] jboss-logging 3.3.0.Final (PB CQ13772) emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14901] pouchdb-wrappers emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14900] pouchdb-utils emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14899] atinject (Package javax.inject) Version: 1.0 (PB Orbit CQ3578) ( PB CQ9605) emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14898] pouchdb-selector-core emo-ip-team
08:31 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14897] pouchdb-merge emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14896] pouchdb-md5 emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14895] org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf:1.11 (PB CQ13101) emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14894] pouchdb-json emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14893] pouchdb-extend emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14892] Google Guava Version: 19.0 (PB CQ10733) emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14891] pouchdb-errors emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14890] pouchdb-debug emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14889] Apache Geronimo Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.1_spec Version: 1.1 .1 (PB Orbit CQ3903) emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14888] pouchdb-core emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14887] geronimo-json_1.0_spec Version: 1.0-alpha-1 (PB CQ13846) emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14886] pouchdb-collate emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14885] Apache geronimo-jms_2.0_spec Version: 1.0-alpha-2 (PB CQ13845) emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14884] pouchdb-changes-filter emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14883] pouchdb-binary-utils emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14882] pouchdb-adapter-websql-core emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14881] geronimo-ejb_3.0 Version: 1.0.1 emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14880] pouchdb-adapter-websql emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14879] pouchdb-adapter-utils emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14878] pouchdb-adapter-idb emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14877] pbkdf2 emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14876] offline-plugin emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14875] md5.js emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14874] lodash emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14873] geronimo-annotation_1.1_spec Version: 1.0.1 emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14872] isarray emo-ip-team
08:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14871] inherits emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14864] create-hash emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14863] core-util-is emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14862] core-js emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14861] commons-logging-1.2 (PB CQ10162) emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14860] commons-lang3 Version 3.0 emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14859] cipher-base emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14858] buffer-xor emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14857] commons-configuration2 Version 2.1 emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14856] buffer emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14855] commons-collections 3.2.2 (PB Orbit CQ10386) emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14854] Apache Commons BeanUtils 1.9.2 (PB CQ12654) emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14853] activemq-client Version 5.14.5 emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14852] artemis-boot Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14851] artemis-web Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
08:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14850] artemis-tools Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14848] artemis-stomp-protocol Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14847] artemis-cli Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14846] artemis-amqp-protocol Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14845] artemis-jdbc-store Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14844] artemis-hqclient-protocol Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14835] artemis-native:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:15 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14768] spring-boot-autoconfigure 1.5.3.RELEASE emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14843] artemis-hornetq-protocol Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14842] artemis-dto Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14841] artemis-rest Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14840] artemis-ra Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14839] artemis-openwire-protocol Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14838] artemis-jms-client Version:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14837] artemis-jms-server:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14836] artemis-journal:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14835] artemis-native:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14834] artemis-selector:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14833] artemis-commons:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
07:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14829] artemis-mqtt-protocol 2.2.0 emo-ip-team
06:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14832] artemis-service-extension:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
06:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14831] artemis-server:2.2.0 emo-ip-team
06:30 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14830] artemis-core-client: 2.2.0 emo-ip-team
02:57 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14821] spring-security-crypto 4.2.0.RELEASE emo-ip-team
02:55 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14827] reflections 0.9.9-RC1 emo-ip-team
November 16, 2017
21:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14823] spring-aop 4.3.8.RELEASE emo-ip-team
21:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14822] spring-security-web 4.2.0.RELEASE emo-ip-team
21:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14821] spring-security-crypto 4.2.0.RELEASE emo-ip-team
21:00 [iot-pmc] [CQ 14820] spring-security-core 4.2.0.RELEASE emo-ip-team

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