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[ecd-pmc] Project Lead election for Thomas Mäder on Eclipse Theia™

A project lead election for Thomas  Mäder on project Eclipse Theia™
(ecd.theia) was started by Marc Dumais with this criteria:

Earlier this month was the 3 years anniversary of Thomas' first contribution
to the main Theia repo (1). He has since become a committer and frequent
contributor (2). He has taken technical leadership in important project areas
such as Task system improvements to achieve better compatibility with vscode
tasks, improving logging (3) and our Monaco Editor integration and its
periodic upgrade (4). In these initiatives, Thomas is helping lead
contributors from several companies, to make targeted improvements deemed
commonly necessary, for a better Theia framework through collaboration. .

The project is facing challenges on the technical side - some original code,
not originally intended to be vscode-compatible, needs major refactoring. We
need to keep-up with Monaco, LSP, vscode extensions API and more, so the
challenges abound, and can't be addressed by any single person, nor should it
all be on one's person's shoulders. I think if Thomas can continue with such
initiatives, and in doing so, help raise other contributors to his level, we
will all greatly benefit. Please join me in welcoming Thomas as an Eclipse
Theia project co-lead!

(1) first commit:
(2) commits in main repo:
(3) Logging:
(4) Latest "Monaco upgrade":

Eclipse Theia™ project committers can click the election link below to



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