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[ecd-pmc] Project Lead election for Jonas Helming on Eclipse Theia™

A project lead election for Jonas Helming on project Eclipse Theia™
(ecd.theia) was started by Marc Dumais with this criteria:

Eclipse Theia is a project of wide scope in an eco-system that beets at a
fast rythm. We can sometimes get so caught-up in the technical details of
keeping things going, that we forget about longer-term planning and roadmaps.
Jonas, since he joined us as a committer, has been actively helping the
project "go from zero to hero" on that front (WIP). He has introduced, with
committers' assent, a lightweight process that uses GitHub milestones, and a
related short-term roadmap (1). Continued effort in that direction will be
needed, which Jonas is more than willing to lead.

Furthermore, Jonas has demonstrated talent in the "marketing" area, which our
project can surely benefit from. He has been writing blog posts(2) about
Theia and giving introduction talks on conferences long before becoming a
committer. That, coupled with the fact that he's well connected at the EF and
is the marketing chair of the ECDT working group means he can get others to
help too!

Finally, Jonas has been an EF project lead before, and can help us on day 1.
I would argue he has started the work before officially been offered the job.
So please join me in making it official, and in welcoming Jonas as a new
project co-lead!

(2) for example:

Eclipse Theia™ project committers can click the election link below to



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