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Re: [dash-dev] Find Bugs and SWTBot status

My 2 cents about SWTBot,

SWTBot tests are generally written using JUnit 4.
The only solution I found to have Eclipse JUnit 3 and SWTBot JUnit 4 tests working within the same platform is to use the new org.junit_4.x.x bundle instead of legacy org.junit_3.8.x and org.junit4_x.x.x bundles. Otherwise there is always a dependency issue. It also seems that you cannot mix "traditional" UI tests and SWTBot tests in the same TestSuite since UI Tests run in UI Thread, whereas SWTBot runs only in a non-UI thread. I tried to give clues about SWTBot integration in a PDE/RCP build at the end of this article: I hope you'll find some interesting things.


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