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Re: [che-dev] Questions around planned Kubernetes support in Che 7

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 5:30 PM John J Collier <John.J.Collier@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I'm currently evaluating Eclipse Che for use in Docker & Kubernetes development. I see that some Github issues like and reference possible future Kubernetes support in Che 7, and I had some questions:

1) What is its planned scope? Is it mostly everything that the VSCode plugin can do, or a subset? Will it extend to a user being able to create a containerized project with Che, build it and deploy on Kubernetes?

The current work around kubernetes plugins is concentrated around solving the issue of deploying and visualizing resources 
on a kubernetes cluster. However it does not provide much functionality for building containers and composing kubernetes resources(other than YAML editing).
This is the current work. We do want to cover more of kubernetes composition and containerization. However I do not think we can extend the scope on Che 7.0, 
simply because we run out of bodies.

However if somebody wants to contribute :) One thing to consider for containerization and composition tooling is because on Che7, workspace is the application[1] and your workspace is your runtime + IDE and tools on the sidecar, composition and containerization should also consider how it will be utilized on workspace creation/composition. 
I tend to think that it should be tooling that is embeddable into Che's dashboard and used for composing the application/workspace. There are no decisions and ongoing 
work on this though, if you are interested fire away.


2) On that note, will there be stack templates with Docker, Kubectl, etc installed? Or will the user need to set up their own stack with those utilities?

Stacks are very different on Che 7. On Che 6, stacks were the images that hosted the development environment. Che 7 does not really need an image to do that
but rather puts your unmodified runtime with your tools in the same pod (side cars). At the moment, the tendency seems to be put these command line tools on the 
IDE (Theia) image. There is some doubt that this is the right way though and whether we should bring these tools as separate sidecars. In short, yes we want to make
some of these tools available and make it easy to bring your own, I do not think we reached a decision on mechanics. 

3) Is there a current status on when it will available in the nightly drivers of Che? Or are there any development drivers with some partial support available to test with?

Since Che6 has been branched all the nightly images on are Che7 images. 
We are not in the process of modifying the stacks so that they are Che 7 stacks but other than dashboard being Che6 centered 
all the Che 7 functionality is there. 

4) Lastly, when is the Che 7 GA currently planned for? I saw some articles mention sometime in March, but I'm not sure how up-to-date that was.

It is definitely not March :)  Stevan probably can have better estimates. Currently Che 7 has a lot of infrastructure changes in place but the UX  and the 
documentation for those has not yet surfaced. Now that we have branched, I think there will be a more concentrated work to finish those and do the GA 



John Collier
Software Developer, Developer Experience & Eclipse Tools
IBM Canada

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