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Re: [che-dev] Simplify mounting of project sources to plugins

On Tue, 2019-01-22 at 13:01 +0100, Mario wrote:
There are 2 user stories here:

1) As a Che user I want to be able to mount the source code without the need to specify a volume name because I may not know that Che uses a particular naming convention (i.e. project) and I can misspell it and spend hours figuring out what the problem is 
2) As a Che user I would like to specify the source code path in a specific container (the default is /project/) of my workspace because some runtimes included in my container (e.g. go) expect the source to be in a precise path 

Before discussing the implementation details (i.e. the devfile syntax) do we have an agreement on these 2 user stories? 

No, I don't agree: what the user wants is for the language support to work out of the box. The fact that we mount a volume for the language server to use in the sidecar is an implementation detail. In the case of Go: if the user needs to mount the source code in a particular location (lets say "/foo/bar/zoz") he should say so once in the workspace configuration (or if there is no choice where to put it, it should be set by the language plugin) and all containers should pick up on that and do the right thing.


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