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[ajdt-dev] building AJDT in 3.1


I have followed the FAQ to be able to dig in AJDT some more with my Eclipse 3.1:
- got cvs head for AJDT_src of today
- Eclipse 3.1 RC1, Java 1.5.0_03 somewhere
- followed FAQ entry to use 3.1 build configurations

I then have errors in ajdt.ui module like:

Severity	Description	Resource	In Folder	Location	Creation Time
2	The method setSelection(List) in the type BuildPathBasePage is not
applicable for the arguments (List,
boolean)	org.eclipse.ajdt.ui/src31/org/eclipse/ajdt/buildconfigurator/propertypage	line
867	16 juin 2005 15:44:05

and a bunch of others.

Should I use Eclipse 3.1 RC2 or something (this is painfull since
there is an Eclipse release every week almost these days - hopefully
final is coming..)


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