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Re: [ajdt-dev] building AspectJ + AJDT

Rafal Krzewski <Rafal.Krzewski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote on 11/03/2005 08:42:46:
> Hello,
> I've been tracking 1.2 progress for some time now using Eclipse CVS 
> client (commit sets are very cool). I found out the set of projects 
> needed in the workspace to compile AJ+AJDT by trial and error 
> originally, but now it seems that something changed, because I am 
> getting 350+ compilation errors (they seem to be related with some JDT 
> API incompatibility, I could post them but that's probably not useful 
> since YOU can build it all right).
> I was looking today for some sort of AJ+AJDT building howto, but I 
> haven't found anything up to date. I don't wan to use to much of the 
> team's resources, so I'm basically asking what set of projects from
> under /home/technology/org.aspectj/modules and 
> /home/technology/org.eclipse.ajdt/AJDT1.2src do I need in my workspace 
> to get the build going. I hope I can find my way from there on.

Hi Rafal,

The howto for building AJDT is here:

But you are of course correct in that it's not 100% up to date - it is 
close, although the other issue is that it is primarily for building on 
Eclipse 3.0 - there are some extra steps if you're on Eclipse 3.1.

The new problems you are getting are bound to be because of the new 
org.eclipse.ajdt.tests.performance plugin, which I've just added. This 
requires a number of eclipse test plugins, which are not included in the 
base eclipse SDK download.

We will update the above instructions as soon as possible. In the 
meantime, please try missing out the performance plugin. 

Please post any other problems you get, it should be quick for us to point 
out the solution.



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