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Re: [ajdt-dev] building AspectJ + AJDT

Andrew Clement wrote:

There have been *many* recent changes to the project structure for AspectJ CVS. We have now got a module that must be built with the aspectj compiler (org.aspectj.lib) and we have a module that must be built with Java5 (aspectj5rt).

Sounds like fun ;-) I must take a look at that aspect library!

> We usually  work with two setups -
one for building AspectJ, one for building AJDT. There is a build script in the org.aspectj.ajde plugin that can take an aspectj build in and rebuild org.aspectj.ajde/ajde.jar - are you working
with everything in one workspace? That sounds a bit messy.

Yes, I had just one workspace - I was able to see all the commits after single synchronize operation. But I'll use two separate workspaces if it helps to keep things simple.

If its AJDT that you have problems with - are you on 3.1M5, if you are on any other build of 3.1 then
you are likely to get compile failures.

Come on, anything older than Java5 and Eclipse 3.1M5 is history :-) I'm also running Debian GNU/Linux "sid" (unstable) on my desktop and I build my GNOME from CVS...

I don't have time right this instant to write up a guide for building it all - maybe when we have 1.5.0M2 finished...

No worries, getting the next milestone out of the door has priority over writing docs for people that play with AJ instead of doing real work ;-)


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