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[openadx] OpenADx - Current projects

Hi Everyone,
as we promised, please find below short descriptions about our projects, we will do.
In parallel, I will also prepare a project book, which contains a bit more information. I will share immediately, when finished.
There is no industry standard for object classes, no standards defined for hierarchy of class/sub-class and no standards defined for lane curvature and lane markings.
Every OEM, Tier1 is doing labeling by himself.
Autonomous driving generates a lot of data, but the data is only useful, if it is labeled, so this is a perfect fit for OpenADx.
Microsoft brought up this topic with the proposal to work together with OEMs and Tier1s to define a standard schema for labeling, while also allowing for.
If you want to work within this topic, please contact Microsoft (Markus Loosen) or me.
Software in the loop (SiL)
SiL is an efficient approach for testing software, you will be able to test distributed software functions, single software functions as well as a complete software.
The collaboration between OEMs, Tier1s and other market players will be intensified, e.g. models and virtual ECUs will be exchanged and therefore it is necessary that he models and vECUs will be cross-company exchangeable.
For autonomous driving SiL is a central topic of the verification and validation strategy for every OEM and Tier1 and fits perfectly into OpenADx.
Bosch has started some discussions with the specification for SiL, the SILC Road.
As SiL systems runs on different platforms like PCs, server and clouds, we need not only OEMs and Tier1s for this topic, we need also cloud technology provider.
If you want to work on Software in the loop, please contact us. (Thomas Huber
Cloe – Closed loop simulation environment
Cloe is a closed loop simulation environment for functional SW tests on system level, which allows you an interactive or scripted workstation simulation as well as code debugging and automated tests on build server.
Cloe is part of the verification and validation strategy by supplementing real world testing with a scaling simulation framework.
Cloe is part of SiL. provides interfaces for exchangeable simulation engines and shows the idea of OpenADx.
Bosch has started the internal processes for bringing Cloe to open source.
If you want to work on Software in the loop, please contact us.
Open Source Hardware
Simulation with virtual hardware shows new approaches of hardware/software co-design, particularly on SystemC/TLM.
This is another way to cope with problems at simulator-coupling -- by avoiding it and as part of the verification and validation strategy, this project is in line with OpenADx.
If open source hardware solves on of your topics, please contact Prof. Berekovic and Prof. Haase.
Co-Simulation is more than purely exchanging data. You have to consider Co-Simulation setup to avoid coupling errors or model instabilities, and always check the results.
There are simulation models and/or hardware from different providers which has to be connected to build a virtual prototype. To make these tools seamlessly work together a middleware approach is a good solution as well as there is a missing standardization of data format (e.g. road format in more than one tool) and interfaces to open source traffic simulation, which is needed.
AVL and Bosch (I guess more) are contributing to existing simulation standards (like FMI, DCP, OSI, OpenScenario …)
As we need standardization please support and contact us
Eclipse Working Group
The Eclipse Foundation provides a Legal Framework for Discussion and Collaboration:
  • to prevent Anti-Trust issues
  • a Legal Entity for common work, e.g., hosting/imprint of Website, domain ownership
  • a member neutral promotion organization
  • a funding body for common funded projects
  • a marketplace for idea sharing and solution provisioning
  • Application of Eclipse Foundation mechanisms like the open standardization process
I will send out a further mail for this topic.
If you have projects, which are not on the list, please feel free to bring them into the community!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Andreas Riexinger
Chassis Systems Control, Product Management Automated Driving (CC-AD/PRM-P)
Robert Bosch GmbH | Postfach 13 55 | 74003 Heilbronn | GERMANY |
Tel. +49 7062 911-8264 | Mobil +49 172 7258214 | Fax +49  711  811-5111226 | Andreas.Riexinger@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sitz: Stuttgart, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 14000;
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Franz Fehrenbach; Geschäftsführung: Dr. Volkmar Denner,
Prof. Dr. Stefan Asenkerschbaumer, Dr. Michael Bolle, Dr. Rolf Bulander, Dr. Christian Fischer,
Dr. Stefan Hartung, Dr. Markus Heyn, Dr. Dirk Hoheisel, Christoph Kübel, Uwe Raschke, Peter Tyroller

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